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The Spread.Sheets Designer is a stand-alone application that lets you design and add data to a spreadsheet, save your file, and then load it in your application or other resources. For example, you might design a spreadsheet, including cell types and formats, add data, and then save it to Spread format or to Excel format, to load into the Spread.Sheets widget in your application.Spread.Sheets Designer 是一个单独的应用。它可以让你设计 Spread.Sheet 的样式或者向其中添加数据。设计完成之后,将其存成文件,然后将其载入到你的控件中。

比如,你可以设计一个 Spread.Sheet,包含所有的 celltype,格式和数据,然后将其存储为 Spread 兼容的格式或者 Excel 文件,随后就可以将其载入到控件中。


正如上图所示,Spread.Sheets 设计器提供了一个所见即所得的编辑器,所以你可以及时预览你对 Spread.Sheets 的更改。
